Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

The Compactness Appears

haloo...well, im gonna write about the compactness of a new class..sebenarnya aku salah kalo menyimpulkan kekompakan ini karena kekompakan kami dalam berfoto..tapi saya berharap bahwa kedepannya kami akan bener" kompak...
ya..pas itu mapel Fotofrafi..cuman gurunya gak ada...lha that time sih Anggun Nenohai (we call her unne) hehe brought her camera...jadi deh..kami foto"...sampe keluar kelas...kami ke tangga teater terbuka buat foto" was so funny..kami gayanya macam"...ada yang so' pinter, ngupil, moto pantat, tanpa ekspresi,dll..but for this time i will not upload all the photos..hehe..
alright..pas itu kami buat alasan sebelum dimarahin guru..sebelum gurunya nanya kenapa kami keluar..kami udah buat alasan bakal ngomong kami lagi pelajaran Fotografi pak...jadi kan bolrh foto"..hahaha...but fortunately, no teacher asked us..haha...
aku bingung lagi mau ngomong apa..langsung liat fotonya aja y..sorry...fotonya cuman dikit..hehe...

Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


okay...akhirnya aku bisa ngepost guys...sebenarnya selama ini pengen ngepost..cuman internetku gak tau kenapa setip pengen masuk site blogspot tulisannya mesti "UNTRUSTED CONNECTION"..ckckck...what does it means??? but fortunely. i found the way to escape from that damn connection...
aduh...jadi lupa aku mau ngomong apa aja..alright..mungkin kali ini aku bakalan share tentang awal-awal masuk sekolah dengan kelas yang baru..
XI-IA 1..that's my class..honestly, still love being one class with all my friends in X5 class...ya, at the first ini karena baru pertama-tama kali y...hopefully, the days ahead will be great, fun..and i'll feel the togetherness..AMEN..
okay...Science the beginning, the materials that has been taught belum terlalu susah..aku masih bisa ngerti..masih gak gitu rumit lah pokoke...but i know that the materials will be so hard then...I only asked God to give me more brilliance so i can master all those lessons...
oh ia...i have to share this fucking cool news...u know what?? in Science Department..ada kelas gonna be a fotografer then..or even be a model??? wkwkwkwk...i hope not...jeprreett"..haha..but one lesson that makes me wanna run away from Kultur Jaringan..have you ever heard about that lesson??? i just heard that yesterday..i even dunno before..Biology udah buat aku cukup stres...nggak usah nambah mapel nggak jelas gitu kenapa, huh?? zzzzzz...tapi semoga pelajaran ini nggak ngebosenin..hehe..
well, aku ngantuk...tidur sek ya...update blogku terus ya...I'll be back tomorrow with a new cool experience or knowledge..

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Manusia Terpendek

okay..kali ini aku ngepost tentang manusia terpendek...hehe...are you curious??? okay..check this out..
manusia terpendek ini lahir di Cina..dan ditetapkan Maret 2008 lalu sebagai manusia terpendek,tentunya.. dan tingginya hanya 29 inci...oh goodness..aku aja pas liat newsnya kaget banget..ckck...i cannot image if he is standing beside me...*aku so' tinggi banget ya??? haha..
oh ia..i havent mentioned his name..well, his name is Pingping..sounds funny right??? hehehe...
oh...Pingping ini pernah disandingkan dengan Svetlana Pankratova yang
menyandang gadis dengan kaki terpanjang di dunia...Pingping dapat dengan leluasa berdiri diselangkangan kaki Svetlana Pankratova.haha..wah"..enak sekali si Pingping..wkwkwk..
but did you know??? he had so sad to write this...Pingping meninggal karena komplikasi dan jantung..ckck..
okay...let's see his photos..

ini dia...kaki Svetlana Pankratova...hahaha...he was so short,indeed..

Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Coklat Putih

okay..kali bakalan ngebahas tentang WHITE CHOCOLATE
well, have u ever eaten white chocolate??? i guess you are so plebeian if you never ate it..hehe..some of you may think coklat kok putih??? how could it be??? white chocolate made from fat of cacao seeds..thus, white chocolate doesnt contain chocolate at all.. white choocolate mixed with milk and sugar...Results concoction of sugar 55%, 20% cocoa butter and milk solids 14%, and 4% fat milk. Around the year 1920 made by M & M Candy in the United States. Year 2004 produced a massive by Nestle.

BUT..white chocolate contain of saturated fat and cafein...and it's not good for our health... even though both are, Do not overeat...hehe...

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

4 days left...

hoaaahhh...4 days left guys..4 days left im gonna start all my damn activities..yes..go to school and do all the tasks and the's so fucking boring !!!
males banget..ckck..ntar masuk pembagian kelas...aku udah pasti masuk so happy actually..but the challanges are waiting in front of me..tantangannya makin besar..

but Jesus has opened the door..i believe when God allow me to enter the Science Department, He will provide all that i need...and He never embarrass His son..AMEN..

aku percaya prestasi-prestasiku akan semakin meningkat...with Him i can through this life with all its fucking stuffs..

okay lah..thats all that i can write for now..ini aja aku dah bingung mau nulis apa..hhaha
alright.. hopefully blessed..

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010


okay...from the title u can guess what im gonna write about...yes...about His Love to me... but firstly, i want u to know that im just supposed to testify what Jesus has done in my other aim..jadi aku gak bermaksud menyombongkan diri or something like that... okay..May 29 was a really-really great day and i was blessed.. well, hari itu ada lomba ESA Week di UNNES, Semarang...actually there are some competitions such as speech and news reporting..those for Senior High School...dan waktu itu Puji Tuhan aku jadi wakil of my school buat speech competition..sebenarnya aku dikasi tau kalo ada lomba itu udah sebulan sebelumnya...tapi karena ada lomba paduan suara juga dan kebetulan guru inggrisku pada jago" nyanyi...lah..ngelatih padsu dah tuh...kami yang lomba gak ada latian sama sekali...oh before, yang ikut lomba itu ada aku (speech), vicky (news reporting), K'Livia (speech), and K'hezky (news reporting). lanjut, jadi kami itu gak ada latihan, kami mulai latihan seminggu sebelum lomba...kamis bener-bener vorsir latihan..sampe" waktu belajar di kelas kami disita buat latihan di Kantor Guru Bahasa..hehe..aku sih gpp..enak usah capek" belajar..mending ngapalin text pidatonya...hahaha...aku habisin waktu 3 4 harian buat ngapalin tuh 2 lembar text.nya..sedangkan temen" yang news reporting harus ngapalin 5 buah berita..ckck...okay, pas Hari Kamis kami disuruh try out di depan kakak kelas XII IS 1..selesai itu, kami di kasi evaluasi sama Bu Andriani..dan masalah terbesar buat saya itu katanya i spoke too fast..dan itu memang masalah terbesar aku..kalo ngomong pasti kecepetan..haha.. singkat cerita..the day came...aku dapet nomor undi 35 dari 36 peserta...dan yang ke 36 itu k'livia..haha...kok bisa pas" gitu y?? hehe..okay, giliranku tiba..i went to the stage with the smile but actually i was so deg"an..Puji Tuhan..i didnt make any mistakes..i speech fluently..trus pas turun" sama temen" ngomong katanya aku ngomong jelas dan tak cepat..hahaha..Praise the Lord..when the awaited came..pengumuman, yang dibacain pertama news reporting..Vicky juara 1 dan k'hezky juara 2. waow...trus yang speech...oh...u know? my heart beat so fast..and ternyata...aku juara 1..haha...sumpah...aku seneng banget...even i cant believe that..tapi sayangnya k'lvia gak dapat juara...tapi gpp...sekolahku SMA LAB..jadi juara umum untuk kedua lomba...dan berhasil mempertahankannya...Jesus is great... hehe..okay...that's all..hopefully, from this testimony all of you could be blessed..AMIN"...aku ngoceh panjang juga ya..ckck...


wew...gmn caranya biar ada yang ngefollow??? aku udah klik follow...trus masukin alamat emailnya temen...trus?? that's it? it's really confusing...ckckck...

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

The First Time

oh goodness...i dunno what to say..this is the first time i made a blog...*sounds like a villager, right??? gonna make my blog looks cool..then i'll post another...haha...just wait for that time..