Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


okay...akhirnya aku bisa ngepost guys...sebenarnya selama ini pengen ngepost..cuman internetku gak tau kenapa setip pengen masuk site blogspot tulisannya mesti "UNTRUSTED CONNECTION"..ckckck...what does it means??? but fortunely. i found the way to escape from that damn connection...
aduh...jadi lupa aku mau ngomong apa aja..alright..mungkin kali ini aku bakalan share tentang awal-awal masuk sekolah dengan kelas yang baru..
XI-IA 1..that's my class..honestly, still love being one class with all my friends in X5 class...ya, at the first ini karena baru pertama-tama kali y...hopefully, the days ahead will be great, fun..and i'll feel the togetherness..AMEN..
okay...Science the beginning, the materials that has been taught belum terlalu susah..aku masih bisa ngerti..masih gak gitu rumit lah pokoke...but i know that the materials will be so hard then...I only asked God to give me more brilliance so i can master all those lessons...
oh ia...i have to share this fucking cool news...u know what?? in Science Department..ada kelas gonna be a fotografer then..or even be a model??? wkwkwkwk...i hope not...jeprreett"..haha..but one lesson that makes me wanna run away from Kultur Jaringan..have you ever heard about that lesson??? i just heard that yesterday..i even dunno before..Biology udah buat aku cukup stres...nggak usah nambah mapel nggak jelas gitu kenapa, huh?? zzzzzz...tapi semoga pelajaran ini nggak ngebosenin..hehe..
well, aku ngantuk...tidur sek ya...update blogku terus ya...I'll be back tomorrow with a new cool experience or knowledge..

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