Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

I am Back !!!

holaaaa...is there any people still visiting my blog??? huhu... hehe.. :)
huys, i've never post any entry here about 2 weeks...gosh !!! surely, i do really wanna post something here but i couldnt..there are a lot of tests during those weeks..besides, i dunno what to write actually...no idea in my head !!! im writing this posting just cause i thought that i HAVE TO write something..cause i've been so long never write here...as what i said before..hehe..aduh, im so blabbering..haha...well, may be i will just share you about my activities in this week..
this week is so tiring..i had a test every day...means i've passed 4 tests in this week..whereas in a week i just have 5 days in school...which means that only one day that will be free of test...and that is tomorrow (Friday).. love Friday so much dah !!! hahaha...i've passed Biology,chemistry,math,physic test... can you imagine??? all are science lessons...really burdened, and killed me..zzzzz..gila !!! bayangin setiap hari aku harus bergulat dengan buku-buku IPA...ckck...i dunno how many strands of hair that had fallen...*kinda over...wkwkwk...
oh ia.. tomorrow is the turn for my class to lead the weekend musing in my school..Grace and me will be the song leader and my friends will be the choir..hehe...hopefully, tomorrow we can give the best that we can and serve Jesus with sincere..AMIN"..
okay that's it..thanks ya...KEEP VISITING !!! :)

Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010


alright...here i am again guys..
this time..im gonna write about my activities today which is really exhausting... ><..today is Friday..*hell yeah..haha..i got 2 tests is that Chemistry and English test..ooo...for the Chemistry test i could finish it..but i doubt whether my answers were right or nottt...but i made some mistakes..nooo.. !!! but i dunno why im sure that i wont remedial...AMIN..*kalo remedial gimana jal??? hahaha...nggak...tidak boleh remedial..hehe...and for the English test..it wasn't so hard..i can do it !!! yes..though im not sure that i'll get 100..because i guess i also made some mistakes...but it wasn't as much as my mistakes in Chemistry test.. huhuhu...well, that's why i said that this is a tiring day...it was really draining my brain..hahaha..
ya, I JUST DO MY BEST AND LET GOD DO HIS BEST !!!....anyway, akhir-akhir ini kok sering nulis pake Bahasa Inggris y??? hahaha...sumpah, ini bukan mau sombong atau gimana...*ngapain sombong Inggrisku aja belom bener..hahaha...sometimes some of my friends said that saya sok Inggris..really, i dont like to hear that...masa aku cuman ngomong Inggris aja dibilang sok Inggris...ckckck...POOR YOU !!!! nggak usah norak please...Inggris itu harus dipraktekin...gak hanya teori...the most important thing is the practice..try to practice anywhere and anytime...absolutely, at the right time also..
zzzz...bener-bener gak suka...jadi jengkel gini dah.. ><"..okay dah...that's for this time..KEEP VISITING !!! :)

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010


hallo guys..im back !!! haha...
well, this time, im gonna write about the hottest news is that KEONG RACUN...wkwkwkwk..
i bet all of you what KEONG RACUN is..pertama sih aku juga bingung..KEONG RACUN apaan sih..kayaknya membuming banget...and after searching what KEONG RACUN is..i just laughed and shocked..hahahaha...ternyata, KEONG RACUN is a song actually but the thing which make it became the hottest news is the video of SINTA AND JOJO who act in front of the webcam while dubbing with that song..haha..they were crazy with it...hahaha...you should watch it..as soon as possible guys..
alright..yesterday my Indonesian teacher Mrs. ANA MARIA instructed us to make drama about anything..and i thought we better based on the most populer news..and i chose KEONG RACUN to be our theme..hahaha...and you know what??? i'll be the JOJO..but my name will be Jessy..haha..and my friend Grace will be the SINTA...as ussual, i always be the one who will be embarassed in every Drama we made..hahaha...aku bakalan di dandan kayak cewek gitu ntar..gilaa..actually i dont want, but i have to do it just for my mark..huufftt...hahaha...
IT'S JUTS FOR MY MARK !!! no more !!! hahaha...okay..i just can write it this time...KEEP VISITING y... :)

Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

IT'S A MUST !!!!

ooohh..i dunno what to say right now actually..but i have to write something..does it sounds like a coercion,huh?? but no problem..besides, i have been so long never write in this cuckoo blog. hahaha...
AND why 'IT'S A MUST" became my title??? well, my teacher Mr. Joko instructed us to make a blog..but fortunately, i've made it..and now i just skip the first step was that "registration"..and i went to the second step is that make a post...yeah..im doing it..oh..i havent told you that now im in TIK Laboratory...writing this post..
this one of the advantage made blog early than the others..haha..
well..i guess my blog will be looked like a grup of tasks then...oooo nooo...haha..okok...that's all in my head right now..*really..i dunno what to write..haha..